Friday, April 23, 2010

A Brand New Start

    Today, i got my result from the Shih Chien University ( Fashion Design ). And i failed. I got 71 on Creativity Exam and 79 on Portfolio and Interview.

    What i could only say is that although it is a pity that i have no chance to start my college life earlier, its a good time to test my real ability. When i got the result, i was completely shaking while i was checking my name whether was on the list. I was sad, i was disappointed. For that whole class, my mind was empty. I can't help but let myself drowning in a deep black hole. Fortunately, i woke up and start to think of something. I acutally don't have to be sad or sorrow. I have already been through with something else which was a disaster and worse than this time. In fact, i can feel that im chaning from the pain i had (when i broke up with my ex). I think i really have to thank to him. He let me become stronger and stronger, facing thing with a right attitude and control myself appropriately. Thank you Quintin, you surely are the angel in my life. After this things, i can feel that i do have the ability to face the difficulties. And ain't anything is going to stop me doing my choice. I gonna prove it, and i gonna make it real. Although i failed this time, but we shall see in August, because ill make it. And you have to believe it.

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