Friday, February 12, 2010

The Thing Surrounds Me

    Actually I just deleted a post, which is about my profile. After thinking for a while, then I realize that actually nobody wants to know that.

    Want to talk about Common Reaction and Overreaction. Believe me, it happens a lot on me. So apparently the differences between these two stuff completely depend on person. And definitly different from person to person. 

    Just make a example. Yesterday, I had a huge fight with my friend. The reason is that she asked me that if I want to go out with her, then give her a call. Apparently I wasn't in a really nice mood, so I didn't call her. Then she started shouting at me, blaming on me for why didn't I give her a call. Basically I just followed her requirment, and she was so mad at me. So now, my definition of overreaction shows up.  I completely considered her as being overreacting. But what she told me is like Im the one who should go to hell and burn to dust.  

    So what should I do, the misunderstanding has already happened. And I didn't have any strength to fight with her anymore, so I chose to be silent, even though I still got lots of curse and dirty words. Then I thought of it. everything's happen has its own reason and some of the reason we might not know. So what I did, was not keeping shouting at her, but tried to find out what exactly has happened. Guess what, she just broke up with her boyfriend who has been with her for almost three years.  And what she wanted is just talked to me. Because she is too tough to admit her failure between her and her boyfriend. Now I become a sinner?

    Sometimes we have to stand in others shoes and think of it. Don't just make a quick definiton and object. You will hurt people, and you will also get hurt from it. I could have just made things worse, had a huge fight with her, but I found out the reason, then we become as close as before. Nothing is impossible, if you believe, and try to understand. I believe that everything gets its solution, and there lots of problems will be avoided. This story gives me a very deep thought, because lived with it before. 

    We all have rights to express out own emotions, but we really have to think that who is the target that we are going to shout for. Once you choose a wrong person, then you might lose him forever. Sometimes being honest might be difficult, but it's truly the nice way you won't regret that much. I completely know that kind of feelings.

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